An history made of success, from the very heart of the Italian fine mechanics.
An history made of success, from the very heart of the Italian fine mechanics.
The path of Mantovanibenne starts in 1963, when Alberto Mantovani, founder and soul of the company, give life to a carpentry workshop in Mirandola
The company, since its dawn, stands outs for the quality of its products and begins the standardized production of excavator buckets, introducing an innovative classification of buckets themselves.
Also thanks to the international success, the company grew and evolved, until developing and launching, between the ‘80s and the ‘90s, the line of hydraulic attachments for demolition. Step that significantly affected the company’s future, because today Mantovanibenne is worldwide recognized for the revolutionary demolition attachments, which are continuously evolving since then.
Today Mantovanibenne guides the international MBI Group, which designs, manufactures and markets the MBI brand, symbol of unrivalled quality and unique expertise.