Our company was founded by Mr. Perin Diotisalvi: our small craft produced generating sets, motor welders and motor pumps. In the space of few years, the company developped and specialized in planning and building generatig sets of ever-bigger powers. With the passing of time, the small craft became an important and well-known industrial reality with thousands of installations all over the world.
At present, the company has got an annual production of about 3000 generating sets whose range covers small and big powers, from 2 up to 12.000 KW. Our production is placed in three factories of our property in Europe, which are divided up by the type of their products and controlled directly by the Italian factory where special generating sets are built according to customer’s order. In Italy there’s besides our engineering staff, the supply and transport department for customer service all over the world and the sales department, which is further divided into six big geographic areas.