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Since 1996, about two hundred Drillmec HH rigs have been working all around the world in many environmental and weather conditions, always delivering high safety and drilling efficiency.
On the basis of the HH Series experience and field results, Drillmec has developed a new generation of fully automated drilling rig forward, named AHEAD (Advanced Hydraulic Electrical Automated Driller), designed to meet the highest HSE standards and drilling efficiency.
Combining the advantages of DRILLMEC Hydralic Rig Series with the capability of working with double (R3) or triple stand (R2) make this new evolution of design a complete revolution in the oil industry.
This rig, compared to a conventional land rig, has a footprint reduction up to 40%, a reduced visual impact and enginereed for a low noise level.
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<span style="font-size: 8pt;">CBM Series is a special purpose line of drilling rigs and related equipment designed to meet specific requirements of shallow and deeper wells.
</span><span style="font-size: 8pt;"><strong>HH 55 - HH 75 - HH 102</strong> </span>
<span style="font-size: 8pt;">HH 55 - HH 75 - HH 102 are drilling rigs suitable for CBM Coal Bed Methane exlporation. The mast is telescopic and operates as a hydraulic hoist. The hydraulic top drive is permanently installed in its cradle and it doesn’t need to be removed during transportation. Therefore all the rig can be easily assembled without any crane.
<span style="font-size: 8pt;">An auxiliary jib crane on the mast side facilitates the rig up and allows to pick up tubular and various equipment from the ground to the drill floor. Drillmec completes ts package with power slips, power tong, torque wrench, casing make up device and bit break out tong. In the easiest configuration a pneumatic over hydraulic panel is on the mast side whereas a cyber chair can be supplied. Customizable control cabin with air conditioning system and self elevating system is provided upon request, as well as a powered rotary table.</span>
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<span style="font-size: 10pt;">Everything about the HH Series is designed for speed, safety and efficiency. You can tell just by looking it is not a conventional rig. </span>
<span style="font-size: 8pt;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;">From it selferecting telescopic mast made from a single powerful hydraulic cylinder to the built-in integrated hydraulic top drive, HH rigs are designed to optimize your drilling plan from top to bottom. Automated systems, centralized control and few rig floor workers combine for a safer and more efficient drilling operation, better performance and reduced costs. The HH Series drilling processes are largely automated and centrally operated from the climate controlled driller’s cabin. Stuck pipe becomes less of an issue with features that allow automatic drilling even with preset WOBs and ROPs or top drive back reaming.</span>
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<li>Drillmec’s deep roots in the manufacturing of drilling rigs start back in 1929 and since then continuously improved rig design by raising the pull-up capacity, enhancing safety, optimizing performance and minimizing environmental impact.
Drillmec starting from Massarenti & Branham-design produces a full range of land rig packages to satisfy almost any need with successful achievements all over the world.
Drillmec understands that drilling contractors objectives and conditions are constantly</li>
<li>in flux and require different solutions to achieve results. Drillmec rigs are available in a wide range of specifications in order to fit custom configurations and capabilities</li>
<li><strong>Land Rigs - Swing Lift Series</strong>
Drillmec produces swing lift rigs with raising lines or hydraulic cylinders. The Swing Lift Series is designed for fast and safe rig-up and rig-down, minimizing non-productive time.</li>
<li><strong>DM SERIES </strong>( Swing Lift Series, Raising Lines)<strong>
</strong> Swing Lift masts and substructures with hook load capacity from 340 to 907 metric tons (750,000 - 2,000,000 lbs).<strong>HSL SERIES </strong>(Hydraulic Swing Lift Series, Hydraulic Raising)<strong>
</strong>Hydraulic Swing Lift masts and substructures with hook load capacity from 340 to 680 metric tons (750,000 - 1,500,000 lbs).</li>
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<strong>Water wells, mining exploration, seismic use, geothermal exploitation, geological investigation, well servicing, micropiling</strong>
Drillmec manufactures a wide range of waterwell rigs, multipurpose rigs and equipments for water well drilling, well development and geological surveys that have been successfully operating all over the world.
Drillmec rigs are either hydraulic or mechanical and are designed and manufactured according to a large selection of configurations and different solutions.
In order to cover most of drilling sector needs, Drillmec offers varied solutions and products besides the complete rigs, including rotary drilling equipment and consumables, rotary and hammer drilling equipment, drill pipes, drill collars and casing, drilling accessories, as long as training and long-term technical assistance on site, for maintenance and exploitation of drilling rigs.
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