Rainbow eco suction dredger

1- Ecological electric water-jet dredger

Robust, economical, electric suction dredger with water-jet head designed for dredging in deep water lakes, hydro-electric reservoirs, mines and quarries.
Modular, fully-dismountablke dredger for 0- 25 metre depths available as 150PDL, 200PDL, 250PDL, 300PDL and 350PDL models in both standard and customised versions.

2- Ecological

• Low environmental impact
• Low maintenance
• Electric motor (no emissions and no risk of fuel or oil spillages)

• Electric pumps and winches
• Low level noise emissions
• Uses new generation biodegradable lubricating oils
• Chrome and lead-free paints

3- Economical :-

• High productivity with lo installed power
• Extremely robust design for extended working life

4- Easy to use :-

• One-man operation
• Simple maintenance
• Easy equipment access

5- Easy to transport :-

• Simple and quick to dis/assemble
• Designed for container shipping

6- Optional features :-

• Dredging depth increase
• Cabin air conditioning
• On-board gen set
• Self-propelled


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