<strong>STM-20</strong> is a drill unit designed to be fast, highly productive and easy to operate. It's a fully hydraulic drilling rig mounted on standard, heavy duty truck. Thanks to its power, reliability, and novel configuration STM-20 meets the needs for a highly capable, easily mobilized drilling rig.
The application is:
<strong>- <a href="http://www.soilmec.com/en/products/piling_rigs/viewdoc.asp?co_id=3596">LDP</a></strong> deep uncased bored piles stabilized by drilling fluid or dry hole.
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The<strong> SF-50 </strong>drilling rig, is the evolution of the already existing equipment dedicated to Continuous Flight Auger drilling technique.
The upper structure of the <strong>SF-50 </strong>is mounted on Soilmec base carrier and has been designed to perform:
- <a href="http://www.soilmec.com/en/products/cfa_piling_rigs/viewdoc.asp?co_id=3600">CFA</a> (Continuous Flight Auger) piles by means of long auger string.
The <strong>SF-50</strong> is equipped with the DRILLING MATE SYSTEM (DMS) on 12' touch screen for monitoring and control of the rig performances and operating parameters.
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The hydromill module is constituted by a heavy steel frame on which two milling drums and a centrifugal mud pump are mounted. In order to correct the module verticality deviation, 12 independent mobile flaps are positioned on the module surface.
Furthermore, a simultaneous or independent tilting plate can be installed as optional for the best verticality correction, especially in case of leaned layers of rock. All Soilmec modules are set with a 2D or 3D sensor developed for the module positioning control which is managed by the Hydromill DMS.
Soilmec has designed all its modules with a rotation system conceived for T-panel execution or for other module orientations. This specific feature gives the possibility to facilitate the job site operations, leading to a reduction in terms of cost and time.
The 50 t class module is conceived for special projects. Its body length and weight guarantee a high verticality level and panel dimensions up to 3200x2000 mm in different soil conditions and at the highest depths (up to 250 m).
The module rotation system is included as a standard
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The hydromill module is constituted by a heavy steel frame on which two milling drums and a centrifugal mud pump are mounted. In order to correct the module verticality deviation, 12 independent mobile flaps are positioned on the module surface.
Furthermore, a simultaneous or independent tilting plate can be installed as optional for the best verticality correction, especially in case of leaned layers of rock. All Soilmec modules are set with a 2D or 3D sensor developed for the module positioning control, which is managed by the Hydromill DMS.
Soilmec has designed all its modules with a rotation system conceived for T-panel execution or for other module orientations. This specific feature gives the possibility to facilitate the job site operations, leading to a reduction in terms of cost and time.
The 40 t class module is suggested for medium-high depth projects. Its body length and weight guarantee a high verticality level and panel dimensions up to 3200x1800 mm. The high torque cutting unit (up to 153 kNm) can be installed.
The module rotation system is included as a standard
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