
Soilmec rigs are self-mounting, easily transportable and designed to giving the best drilling solutions.
The hydraulic drilling rig SR-95 has been specially designed for suiting the following applications:

LDP cased bore piles with casing driven directly by rotary head or optionally by casing oscillator powered by the base carrier itself;
LDP deep uncased bored piles stabilized by drilling fluid or dry hole;

CFA (Continuous Flight Auger) piles by means of long auger string;
CAP (Cased Augered Piles) piles with double independent rotary system;
DP (Displacement Piles) / TCT (traction compacting tool);
TJ (TurbojetÂź) / TTJ (Twin Shaft Turbojet) – soil consolidation;
RCDS (Reverse Circulation Drilling System) on demand.

The SR-95 is equipped with the DRILLING MATE SYSTEM (DMS) on 12′ touch screen for monitoring and control of the rig performances and operating parameters.

Diesel Engine T3/T4 403/403 kW
Weight  90 t
Max. Torque 351 kNm


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