Egywell was established in 2016 after the great success of Egydrill.

Egywell specializes in drilling water wells. The company has been awarded contracts for the drilling of more than 50 water wells. The company has a backlog and a target to complete 1,500 well in the upcoming 2 years and the number may reach 3,500 wells.

Egywell has succeeded in using solar energy powered submersible pumps and rotating pivots that are used for agricultural purposes which were implemented in Marashda in cooperation with Egymec Renewable Energy (One of Eldidi Group’s Companies).

Contributing to the 1.5 million Acres Mega Project, Egywell’s achievements are:

  • Drilled 32 Water wells serving an area of 40,000 Acres in Marashda, Qena. The wells have depth of ±250 meters. One experimental well has been drilled at 1,000 meters.
  • Drilled 14 wells (250-400 meters deep) at El Dabaa.
  • Drilled 2 wells (±750 meters deep) at Abo Tartour.
  • Drilled 2 wells (±300 meters deep) at Wadi El Natrun.
  • Drilled 5 wells (±900 meters deep) at Farafra Depression.

– Different kinds of drilling rigs (Shallow/Deep wells up to 1,500 m) are contributing to projects all over Egypt.